All You Need To Know About Dental Bridges: Benefits, Procedure, And Types

Sep 03, 2021

Dental Bridge Explained

A dental bridge is considered a “fixed” restoration option for tooth replacement. The bridge itself is comprised of three parts: abutment or fixture, crown, and pontic.


The abutment is at the bottom of the prosthetic device. Depending on the condition of your teeth, they can either be the direct base of the bridge, with your filed down teeth as the anchors for them. In contrast, when it comes to implant-supported bridges, the fixtures will be drilled into the jawbone, with the crown base to adhere to the implants.


The crowns are what will be capped onto the abutment teeth and/or metal fixture (for implant bridges). The procedure behind it is very similar to how traditional dental crowns are placed atop damaged teeth.


A bridge’s “pontic” is the specific region of the apparatus that sits where the tooth gap is. Unlike the crown and abutment, it does not require being bonded to your natural teeth or drilled into your jawbone.

Common Types Of Dental Bridges

  • Traditional Bridge

A traditional bridge is defined by how there are two abutments on the device, with one or more pontics in between. This requires that you have two healthy teeth adjacent to the tooth gap/s. The healthy teeth will act as mainstays, upon which the two edges of the bridge shall be fastened.

  • Implant-Supported Bridge

An implant-supported bridge is the most invasive of the three on this list. Supplementarily, it is also that which lasts the longest. Instead of being bonded to teeth, these are surgically inserted into your gums. The healing process (and the period after) will see the implant fuse with your jawbone. Hence, being deemed as a permanent tooth restoration option.

  • Cantilever Bridge

Cantilever bridges have one abutment tooth next to the pontic/s. The procedure of fastening a cantilever bridge to the filed down healthy tooth is similar to that of a traditional bridge. Here is a kind of dental bridge recommended to patients who have at least one healthy tooth next to the gap.

  • Maryland Bridge

Often referred to as resin-bonded bridges, Maryland bridges are differentiated from their cantilever and traditional alternatives in that they are positioned on a metal bracket. And that metal bracket is bonded onto the back of the teeth sitting beside the tooth gap.

This dental apparatus does not require to use of abutment teeth. Moreover, the number of prosthetics on it will coincide with the number of tooth gaps that will need replacing.

Dental Bridge Benefits

  • Restores Smile

Missing teeth can be resolved with the insertion of a dental bridge along your gumline. Dental bridges in Ellicott City are recommended because they are effective in completing your pearly whites. With today’s innovations in dental technology, the procedure has been structured to be more comfortable for patients now more than ever.

  • Fixed Device

Removable dental restoration apparatuses remain reliable to this day. But if you are looking for one that offers stability, a bridge is a great choice. You will not have to take it off and put it back on every time you need to brush it and your teeth.

Your dentist Ellicott City will tell you that you can brush dental bridges the same way you brush your natural ivories. After all, they are to be positioned so as to stand in the posts of your missing real teeth.

  • Impedes Teeth Shifting

Besides appearing unsightly, tooth gaps lead to a serious dental condition called “tooth-shifting”. The missing space along your gums is precisely what will let the rest of your teeth shift out of place.

This is not merely a dental aesthetic issue. It is that having several tooth gaps may imply a higher risk for incurring decay. If not brushed properly, food particles can become lodged in them and bring about plaque and tartar.

In like manner, teeth shifting can negatively impact teeth alignment. And thus, cause problems in bite, chew, and speech. It may even cause discomfort and dental pain. A dental bridge, no matter the type, will help avoid these occurrences.

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